Thursday, January 17, 2013

Report Cards Today

Yes, report cards went home today for Quarter 2. These kids are amazing and did very well. But, as always there is room for improvement and hopefully they will bring their grades up 3rd quarter. Speaking of bringing grades up. We have what is called BUG Club. What this means is that students who brought up a grade or grades in any subject area is eligible for an award. But, if they brought 2 grades up, but 1 went down, they are not eligible. Hopefully, that makes sense. Another award given is Terrific Kids. This award goes to students that have straight A's. Another award that is being given out tomorrow is the Bobcat Award. This goes to the student that has worked hard all quarter, used good character, and shows lots of kindness and compassion to their peers. These awards will be given again in 3rd & 4th quarters. The awards assembly is tomorrow at 2:00 in the gym. If your child is getting an award, I texted you this afternoon. You don't have to come, but you are welcome to come. Please keep it a secret as I like it to be a surprise. Today in math we learned about circles. Ask your child to draw a circle and label the 4 parts we learned today. IF they can do it, write circle in the planner. Remember the states and capitals test is on Monday. I Remember tomorrow is Music so have those recorders here and if you are buying one and Mr. Goodheart is picking it up for you, have your money here. Have a good night.

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