Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Meeting Day Today

Today is staff meeting day so this will be a quick blog post. We sure enjoyed our movie today celebrating positive behavior. HMMMM-I wonder what we will do when we reach 75 compliments??!!! Hats for Hope: A pink note went home today about help out those less fortunate here at Bitterroot who are going through some tough times. Every Friday for the rest of January and all the Fridays in February, students will be able to wear a hat to school for 50 cents. Wow-how fun to wear a hat and to help others!! Win-Win situation for all involved. Also a Bananas about reading paper came home today. Our read-a-thon kick off assembly is on Monday, January 28th, but look over the note together and if you have any questions, mention them to your child and they can ask PTA at the assembly. It is pretty much like last year, other than the theme is BANANAS ABOUT READING!! Tomorrow I am going to collect $500 for the upcoming Valentine's Day Party which will be on Wednesday, February 13th as we have a break then from February 14-18. I will be posting a list of class names on the side of the blog for valentines. Any money students have left after paying for the party, will be able to use it to buy some stuff on Friday. If you didn't bring a figure for your snow globe, tomorrow is the last day to bring one. Have a great night.

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