Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy Thursday

HATS FOR HOPE TOMORROW!!! I forgot to remind the kids to bring their 50 cents and wear a hat all day tomorrow so please remind them. Thank you. Our day started this morning with morning meeting and Rusty talked about how being responsible creates more freedom. Kids talked about how being responsible for things at home leads to them being trusted and then they get more freedom. Then I made the connection to that here in school about how being responsible and making good choices leads to being able to do more things because they have more money to buy into them. Oh how wonderful these life lessons are!! In Social Studies, we started our Lewis & Clark Expedition. Ask your child how we get to follow the journey in our journals that they get to add to a map as we go that are pretty cool. Write it in the planner for free money. I am reading a book too about the expedition as we go and the kids are realizing that being on the journey was not real easy back then and how it would be different now. We are trying to look at it from the Native point of view as well as that of those chosen to go on the expedition. Geometry test: These kids rocked it and they all did a super job. Way to go, Team Hankins!! Next week, we start our study of fractions. Bananas About Reading: We had another great day today and our class alone is up to 5,560 minutes. Way to go and keep on reading. Remember to get our January calendars back with your month total of minutes added up as they are a large part of your reading grade. My reading kids make sure you are working vigorously on those biographies. Remember they are due on Tuesday, February 12th. Tomorrow for Team Building, we are going to do some fun SuperBowl activities. Come to school ready with your predictions about who you think is going to win!! Have a great night.

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