Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ideas Welcome

Hi there- Now that you have checked out Rusty's website and actually met him on-line, I would like for your feedback. This means that he/we would like to know what you like about the lessons and if you have any ideas for future lessons. I know there are many ideas you may have as a parent because raising children now a days in this crazy world is a huge job. He would love to have ideas for his show so if you have any ideas or comments please email them to me at: and I will make sure I forward them to him. Thank you. Today we had fun in Math making polygons with Chinese jump ropes. Ask your child what we did and write the name of the one they thought was the hardest to form in the planner. Remember to keep practicing those Midwest states and capitals. Test is on Monday. For my reading kids, I would like you to have a conversation about our read-a-loud book Petey. Tell your parents your favorite part so far and why and if you do this, write Petey in the planner. Remember tennis shoes tomorrow as we have PE. Thank you to all of you for checking out the internet safety website that I posted last night. Good Job!! Have a great night.

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