Friday, January 10, 2014

Thank you, Tristan

Happy Birthday, Tristan and thank you for the amazingly, yummy Rice Krispie treats. We hope you have a great time at the hockey game. Today started out with an HR on the Chicago White Sox scandal. We have fiction books here in the classroom about one of the players in that scandal. Ask your child his name and about the scandal and if they can tell you, write "black sox" & Shoeless Joe" in the planner. Then we had buddies. They are working on map skills so this was a great review for us. In Lead 21, we discussed in small groups and part of their rotation was writing personal narratives (in 1st person format) about them living in a "snow globe". They are using the stoplight writing organizational tool and also having to put 4 kinds of figurative language in it: simile, personification, onomonpeia, and an idiom. Can't wait to see/read the finished products. These kids are quite creative and good writers. In math we did the metic system today. We are finding out how much easier this system is compared to our customary system because of the fact it is in base ten and not so many parts to remember. We will continue with more practice on this next week and then we will move into fractions. Social Studies next week will take us to the end of our SE tour and the states & capitals test for the region will be on Thursday, January 16th so keep studying. :))) Next week in Science we will do our Snowology facts along with making snow globes to go with our narratives. Unit 17 spelling list is on the side of the blog. Lead 21 next week will have us finishing up Selection 3 and going into Selection 4. Skills/strategies are: summarizing, paraphrasing, homophones, and problem/solution. In Language, we will continue with adjectives. Monday the students have Art and they can bring their electronic devices to listen to Music. Venture Theater forms are due Monday and practices also start Monday. Yearbook orders are being taken until February 24th. Ava was our Student of the Week this week. We loved all the things she shared with us and especially enjoyed the melted pennies from all the places she has visited. Some things about Ava are: likes the color blue, Social Studies, hanging out with friends, playing on the IPod and Chinese or Italian food. Some day she hopes to be a pediatrician or a professional softball player. I bet you didn't know she was "double jointed". Look at the crazy picture. Have a great weekend and get out and enjoy the nice weather. Yayyy-I can take down the Christmas lights outside!!!

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