Thursday, January 16, 2014

Short Post

Short post tonight since the first one I did didn't publish. Oh the joys of technology!!! Plus I have a meeting and report card comments to work on. States and capitals tests will be corrected tonight and handed back tomorrow. We started a new Read-A-Loud book today. Ask your child the name of it and what they know about it so far. If they can tell you, write the name of it in the planner. In math we worked some more on multiplication/division. Some kids are still needing extra practice so I sent some home with them. It is due tomorrow so please make sure they get it done and check it over for them. Thank you. We have spent lots of time in whole/small groups and one-one time on this skill and it is time to move on. PE shoes needed tomorrow along with recorders. Students will be performing for the 5th-6th graders on their recorders as it is Mr. Hennessey's last day and we wants a little concert with them. It is not for parents as you will get invited to the real one later in the year. Have a great night.

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