Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Happy Tuesday!

We started fractions today with the basics of understanding what the numerator and the denominator are and what they stand for. Have your child write out & draw 4/5. Have them tell you which number is which and then shade in the correct parts. If they can do this, write 4/5 in the planner. We will be having an assessment on measurement on Thursday. It will be the basics of drawing some simple lines and converting measurements. They have measurement cards they will get to use. In Lead 21, we shared our well written summaries with our small groups and started selection 4. Our skill with this realistic fiction story is to do problem/solution. In Social studies, we continued our tour of the SE. We learned about the cotton plantations and the fact that this was when a certain kind of music started. Ask your child what type of music it is and why it was called that. If they can tell you, write the kind of music in the planner. Remember we have our states & capitals test on Thursday morning. Also, Library day tomorrow so get those books in. Have a great night.

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