Monday, January 13, 2014


Well to say it is windy today is an understatement. As you all know, we had to make different arrangements for some kids for pick-up this afternoon. But, I am happy to announce that once again Bitterroot parents/kids did a great job and it was a smooth transition from school to home. We had a great day in spite of the weather. We had a great discussion this morning in morning meeting about believing, working hard, and not giving up on ourselves when things get difficult or harder. We also talked a lot about keeping calm and not overreacting to certain situations esp. those we have no control over. Then in Lead 21, we finished selection 3 and wrote some awesome summaries from what I can tell by the ones I have corrected. In math, we did some metric conversions. Boy, these are so easy compared to customary because of the metrics being in base 10 system. In Science, we made some fun snow glyphs and learned about each other's winter interests/fun. Then with a partner, we completed an activity called Snowology. Ask your child 2 new/fun facts they learned and if they can tell you, write snowology in the planner. Venture Theater started today and I am so excited to have such a great representation from Team Hankins. Can't wait to see you perform on the 24th. Remember PE tomorrow. Have a great night.

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