Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy Monday & BRRRRR-Once again

Yes, indoor recess again today. I think we are "stuck" in winter. I know we can't complain compared to other places, but I am ready for some warmer weather, sunshine, and NO WIND!! Yikes-I think it is possessed. Anyway, in spite of it all, we had a great day in Team Hankins once again. We started Social Studies today with a quick check of the SE states & capitals. Let's just say-lots of practicing needs to be happening!!!! If they practice tonight, write practiced in the planner and we will try again tomorrow and I hope to see/hear improvement. Then we moved on to our tour of the SE. Ask your child what happens at Cape Canaveral. If they can tell you, write Florida in the planner. In Lead 21, we took our Unit 3 test-these went much better this time!! In Math, we learned about Gallon Bot Man-ask them to tell you about it and give you some equivalent measurements. We also did some more long division-I am so happy to announce-they are getting it!!!! During computer time, we took our SRI tests. They did great-ask your child what their goal was and how much above their goal they achieved!!! They were excited about their growth and I am so proud of them. Now they have to continue to work hard to keep it up and to increase even more throughout the year. Wednesday & Thursday are the MAP tests-we set our goals for them today too. Again-attendance is important for those days along with good night sleep, healthy breakfast/snack. Chewing gum too!!!! Just a heads up-on Monday, January 13th-they can bring their music electronics for Art. PE tomorrow so make sure you have those tennis shoes here. Have a great night and stay warm.

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