Thursday, January 30, 2014

Back to Winter

Yes, Old Man Winter is not done yet. Please make sure your child wears their winter gear for recess as there is lots of fun snow to play in, plus the temps. are a bit chilly. Short Montana History lesson today, but it was about some of the items the corps packed for their expedition. Ask your child 2 things and write them in the planner. Lead 21 kids are almost ready to put all their information on their poster boards. They will share them on Monday and then I will be sending home all the materials & requirements for the independent projects. In math today, we worked hard on putting fractions in order from least to greatest. Students had to find the GCD in order to do this. I can tell that they have been practicing their facts!! :)))) YAAYYYY!! New song learned in Music today on their recorders. Ask them what it is. Mrs. Neese has been introducing the kids to the 7 Habits of Happy Kids. The first one they have been working on is -Being Proactive. Ask them what that means and write proactive in the planner. Remember PE shoes tomorrow and recorders. Tomorrow is the Awards Ceremony for 2nd quarter in the gym at 9:30. I texted, called, or left a message with those of you whose child is receiving an award. Will be great to see you there if you can make it. Yes, today was spirit day and some of you were wondering why today instead of tomorrow. Not sure, but that was Mr. English's decision-possibly because of awards tomorrow. But if you still want to wear your favorite team gear tomorrow, feel free to do it. Have a great night.

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