Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jeff Was Here

Wow-what an amazing guest speaker we had today. Yes, Jeff Ewalt, from the zoo was here to share all his expertise about wolves and to show paw prints, skull, and hide. He makes learning so fun and exciting with all his energy. Ask your child their favorite thing about the presentation today and what they wrote him about in the thank you letters that we wrote to him and write Jeff in the planner. Today in Morning Meeting it was about getting rid of feelings and things of the past and focusing on the present so students wrote on a piece of paper something they want to forget about or get rid of from their past. Then they crumbled them up and slam dunked them into the garbage to be gone forever. Hope this helps them deal with those negative issues. Had our first practice with both 4th grades today for the Music Program. I think it went quite well. Just a reminder once again that it is on Wednesday, December 19th at 9:30 and 1:15. The program is the same both times so you only need to make plans to come once. Today in Social Studies, students worked in pairs doing some research about the NE & SE states finding out fun facts with an activity called Penelope Peabody Lost in the U.S. Ask them what state the Liberty Bell is in. If they tell you, write the state in the planner. Homework Tonight: It is on Science and the Endangered Environment. We have been talking lots about this in our "going green" unit. They are to color the pictures of the things that are endangering the animals and plants in the picture and then at the bottom, write down some statements to describe the problems. Have a great night. Ok-so for some reason, my pics of Jeff won't download onto here tonight so I will try again tomorrow. Sorry

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