Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Back Up Again

Hi there- Sorry about no blog last night, but for some reason the site wouldn't let me post.:( But, here I am back again!! First of all, we are 2/3 done with our testing. We took the Reading yesterday and the Language today. Tomorrow is the Math in the afternoon. The kids are doing great and making some good gains so far this year. I hope math goes as well tomorrow. Yesterday, in Mrs. Neese's counseling session, she read a story about people's differences and then she had a treat for the kids. Ask them about the book and what the treat was and if they can tell you, write Mrs. Neese in the planner. Rudolph stories: We are writing Rudolph stories like we helped our buddies write. But, our stories have a bit more of a plot to them. Ask them what happened to their reindeer to make his nose turn color. Then write the color in the planner. Christmas Program: Remember to mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 19th. There are 2 performances -9:30 or 1:15. You need to come to only one. They are practicing right now as I am blogging and they sound GREAT and you will not want to miss it. Mr. Goodheart does such a GREAT job!!! I hope your child brought home the favorites list for their Secret Santa. This will start on Monday-remember keep it simple and very low cost. One little treat for each day. Revealing will be on Friday with the bigger of the 5 things given to their S.S. I hope you are enjoying this holiday season and not rushing around with all the hustle & bustle. I hope you can take time to truly enjoy the meaning of the season. Have a great night.

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