Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happy Tuesday

Yes, it was a good, happy day. Ask your child about the "Christmas Extravaganza" story we read this morning in morning meeting and how Mr. Merriweather lost the "true" meaning of Christmas. If they can tell you what he did to outdo the neighbors, write it in the planner. In Science, students got into groups and discussed Chapter 1 of their section on Earth's Resources. They did quite well and were returned today with a grade on them. They are to be doing Chapter 2 today if they didn't finish it in school. Then we read a story called "Symphony of Whales". Ask your child about it and if they can tell you what happened to the whales, write whales in the planner. Permission slips came home today for permission to watch "Big Miracle" on Friday. It is the perfect movie to end our "Going Green" unit and it ties in perfectly with the story we just read today. Students will have a $300 buy in and can bring a drink and treat to have during the movie. Also, they can bring a stuffed animal, blanket, and pillow. If students bring their permission slips back tomorrow, they can earn free money and a few of them need money to get to their $300. Secret Santas is going great. Students are loving what they are getting. Again, a couple of you forgot your gifts so I had to give theirs away. Tomorrow is the wonderful Christmas Concert. It begins at 9:30 and again at 1:15. We are last in the morning production and first in the afternoon one. Please don't plan to take your child after the program as we will be doing Science and we have a lot to finish up and they will have to make it up otherwise. We are still having Library tomorrow so bring those books back. Have a great night.

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