Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hi There-

I am sorry for the late post, but this has been quite a weekend. A friend and a friend's son were seriously hurt in a car accident on Friday night. Last week's tragedy has been weighing very heavily on my heart this weekend. We all just wonder "why". I don't know how much you have discussed with your child, but I don't plan to discuss it with them tomorrow. Our morning meeting will consist of sharing feelings and those that want to can talk about it and share what they feel they need to. We will just see how our morning meeting goes and take it from there. Rusty has a segment tomorrow on his show titled: "hope". If there are questions that the students have that they want answered, I will direct them to Mrs. Neese. I just want you to know that we at Bitterroot do what we need to to keep each and every one of your children safe. It has been and always will be our #1 priority. Remember the Christmas concert on Wednesday, December 19th at 9:30 and 1:15. Also, we have our Secret Santas this week so remember to bring something tomorrow for yours and each day for the rest of the week. Have a good night and I look forward to seeing my students tomorrow. I so miss them and want to hug each and every one of them.

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