Thursday, December 6, 2012

Great Day Today!

This class is so fun and we are just loving learning and having fun with each other. The fun thing about them is we can have fun, laugh, learn, and then know when it is time to get back to business. They are able to bring it right back which makes it easier and more fun for me to do fun things with them. Speaking of learning, today in math we made line plots. Have your child tell you what they are and what kind of data we plotted on our line plots and then we found the range, median, mean, and mode of our data. See if they can tell you what at least one of them are. We are going to be spending more time with those 4 terms, but today was just an introduction. In Social Studies, we finished our Penelope Peabody-lost in the U.S. If they didn't in class they have it for homework. Remember states and capitals test is tomorrow. In Science, we learned about how algae may become an alternative source of energy. Ask your child about it, and if they can tell you what % of oil is in the plant, write that number in the planner. Also, they had a review paper on solar energy which some of them may have for homework if they didn't finish it in class with their partners. The weather tomorrow looks to be a bit colder so please dress for it. Have a great night.

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