Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Happy Tuesday!!

We finished our SE tour today so definitely ready to get on with the states and capitals test on Friday. Remember you need to know the location also. In Science today, we read about another alternative energy source called Biodiesel. Ask your child what it is made from and why it is a renewable energy source. If they can tell you, write biodiesel in the planner. We also finished up our timeline & cause/effect activity to go with the wolves power point that we watched yesterday. So we are ready for Jeff Ewalt from the zoo to come tomorrow and share all his knowledge and expertise. Remember tomorrow we are practicing the music program with both classes from 1:15-2:00 so if you have a speaking part, make sure you have practiced your lines. Continue to practice those multiplication/division facts with the XtraMath. Oh my gosh-I just went into the gym to watch fitness club. I am truly amazed at how engaged all the kids were and they were really moving and working out at about 12 different stations. The best part of it is the fact they don't even know they are working out as he is making it fun. Mr. Pertuit is AWESOME!!!! Have a great night.

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