Sunday, December 2, 2012

Busy Week Ahead

I hope you are enjoying your weekend. What a beautiful one it was weather wise and also the fact that the CATS won their playoff game. They are set to play once again on Friday night!!! YAY!!!! This week is going to be another busy week. Here is a run-down of what we are going to be studying in each academic area. In Science, we are going to revisit wolves as Jeff Ewalt from the zoo is going to come and talk to us on Wednesday about the pros & cons of wolves in Yellowstone National Park. He is so awesome and the kids will walk away from his presentation with tons of new facts and knowledge. Then the rest of science for the week is going to be continuing with our renewable/nonrenewable resources unit. On Friday, we learned about wind energy and started reading a story about "saving the family farm". If your child can tell you what Ruby did to help, write Ruby in the planner. In Social Studies, we are going to finish our tour of the SE and then have our test on the states and capitals on Friday. We are also going to do some computer research of the NE & SE states with an activity called Penelope Peabody. Simple, easy, and fun way to refresh their memories with some cool state facts. In Math, we are continuing with elapsed time and then moving in line plots, and some graphing. Along with this we are working on multi-step story problems. In Reading, my kids are still working on their book club books and really getting into our discussions. I just love listening to them question each other and not just literally, but inferentially. They are also enjoying our read-a-loud book about Pathki. She has had quite the adventures. Have them tell you about it. Remember I told you that the surprises were in if you ordered one. I also said I was going to send home a letter last week about picking them up. Well I didn't do that as I knew I could talk about it on here. So please arrange for a time to pick it up at school this week if possible. I am at school by 7:30 daily and there until at least 4:00 so just come down to the room and get it if you placed an order. Thank you. As you can see by the pictures, we had fun in buddies Friday helping them with time. We just love getting together with our buddies and they appreciate our help too and it is a good review for us-so a win-win situation. Purple Hand recipient went to Payton. Congratulations! Payton was nominated for his kind, caring mannerisms, and also his encouragement during recess and PE activities. Ryker was our student of the week and we enjoyed hearing about him and seeing the pics he shared. Technology day was a success. I think those that bought in enjoyed and were able to spend some of their money. Happy Birthday to Brayden. I hope you enjoyed your party at the Reef!! Cya tomorrow.

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