Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sub Tomorrow!!

Yes, there will be a sub tomorrow as I will be downtown working on Montana History!! YAYYY, as you know I love putting together new stuff for our kiddos. Please visit about expectations and using good character. They know that choices=consequences and it wouldn't be any fun to stay back from all the upcoming field trips that we are going to be going on. In Science today we learned a lot more about worms. Ask them how many hearts a worm has. Write it in the planner. As you can see from the pics that our worm habitat is doing just what it should. These worms are really burrowing and using those long & round muscles. In Math, we worked on Adding/Subtracting of decimals. This concept is fairly easily as long as numbers are aligned up correctly. They will review this tomorrow and then do some practice problems. Ecosystem reports are looking good so far. Ask your child how they are coming on theirs. They will work on them again tomorrow and I stressed the importance of continuing the good quality. Remember spelling test tomorrow. Have a great night.

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