Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Sorry this post is so late, but I had lots of difficulty getting into my blog today. It took me to a whole new account which to my knowledge never even knew I set up. Don't you just love technology sometimes???? Oh well, here I am!! Today was a great day in Room 6. Julie, from Northwestern Energy, came in and did a presentation about being safe around power lines. She had an electrical set up which showed many ways that people can be electrocuted. Ask your child to show you how they would get out of a vehicle if a power line is down in the road and they need to get out of the car for some reason. Have them show you and tell how many of these they need to take to get far enough away from the vehicle. Write the number in the planner. Also, ask them what number that needs to be called if you plan to dig in your backyard so that safety personal can come in and mark for any power or gas lines. Write the number in the planner. Tomorrow is our states and capitals test. I have added a Part 2 and that is about the tour and geography challenge we did for this section. Many students brought their green books home tonight to read over the section. Great for them!! Our Ecosystem reports are coming along nicely. I still haven't set a due date yet, but will be sometime later next week. I think everyone has all the pics they need now so we can really get busy. Make sure dioramas are being worked on at home. I can't wait to see all these finished products. Thank you for all of you that returned the field trip permission slips. Please get them back for sure by Friday. Don't forget to mark your lunch choice. Remember that the Music Recorder Concert is on Wednesday, May 1st at 1:30 so mark your calendars. Have a great night.

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