Monday, April 29, 2013

Field Trip Postponed

Yes, our field trip to the zoo has been postponed until Monday, May 6th. Jeff had a schedule conflict come up and we would only get him in the afternoon and we want to utilize his expertise all day long so we changed the date. New permission slips came home today. Also, students will still need to bring their sack lunches as it was too late to change the order for lunches by Miss Becky. Students once again did a great job on Friday with Mrs. Wichman. She said they were great and loved being in here. Way to go. Shared ecosystem projects today and rubrics came home tonight with some students and those not finished with project need to be tonight and share tomorrow. They know who they are. Two of them need to make dioramas tonight. Not sure why they didn't get them done as assigned. As you can see from their rubrics, this really hurt their grade, but they do still have to do one. We are starting our new and last book in reading tomorrow. It is called Riding Freedom. It is a fabulous story, the kids will love it and it will get us ready for our field trip to the ranch. Mrs. Betts is going to read it with Read 180 also so they won't miss out. Will finish up our Hawaii projects tomorrow and then share them. A date for Hawaiian Day hasn't been set yet, but will probably be sometime next week. Have a great night.

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