Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Permission Slips Went Home Today

Permission slips went home today for our field trip to Zoo Montana. We talked a lot this morning in morning meeting about expectations and about the fact that even if you paid in with fake money, it doesn't entitle you to go for sure. Any major negative behaviors/actions until then could keep a student from participating. Choices= Consequences. There are also a couple students that have not paid in with fake money and the slip shows how much they still need. Today we started our Ecosystem reports. We are off to a great start and they really worked hard today for 45 minutes. Thank you to those of you that printed pics at home and we printed some here at school today, but if you still want & need some-tonight is the night to do it. Also, we talked about the diorama project so they should get going with that. Pretty much the only requirements for that is that it is 3-D, full of creativity, and 4th grade quality. No deadline has been set for this big project yet, but will set one next week. I want to see how far & fast we come along with the project/poster part that we are doing here in school. We finished our tour of the west region today and our states and capitals test is on Thursday. They will have a Part 2 to that test and it will be some questions to go with the tour that we were on along with the Geography Challenge that we did at the beginning of the tour. This should not be a big deal as we review these things daily and if they have been listening, should be no problem. So to see if they have been listening, ask your child to tell you about 3 stops on the tour and if they can tell you about them, write WEST in the planner. Remember Library books tomorrow. Have a great night.

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