Thursday, November 17, 2011

How Cool!!

I am totally impressed by how we all learned yesterday on our awesome field trip. As you know, for their homework last night, they had to write down 15 facts from the day. It is obvious that 2 of the most popular were: how otters mark their territory while playing, and that females rule the wolf pack!!
Today, we read an article on hibernation even though otters don't hibernate. If your child can tell you 3 things hibernating animals bodies do, write hibernation in the planner and if they can tell you what hibernating in summer is called, write summer.
Tomorrow is our last day for the Angel Tree buy-in. We, as a school, raised over $260 today and over $500 for the past two days. That is awesome, Bitterroot. Let's keep up the good work of helping our school families.
Tomorrow is the spaghetti dinner. Both 4th grades will discuss the whole set up and how the evening is going to work at our whole group morning meeting tomorrow. Your job as parents is to show up, have fun, and enjoy time together. See you tomorrow anytime from 5:30-6:30.
Tomorrow is Library so get those books back.
Also, tomorrow is the day before the big Cat-Griz game so extra $ to those sporting their favorite team shirts/sweatshirts, etc.
As you know, I am a big CAT fan and Ms. Erickson is a Griz fan. We have a bet on the game and it is that whomever's team loses has to bake cookies for the other class along with their own. Just a hint-you may want to "cheer" on the CATS because she makes awesome chocolate chip cookies and mine-well, not so much!!!!! So GO CATS!!!!!!
Tomorrow is picture re-take day from 1-2:00. See flyer that came home today.
Reminder: Social Studies SE states & capitals test is on MONDAY!!!!!!
Early out on Tuesday-12:00 dismissal and No School Wed.-Fri.
Have a great night and stay warm and hope for the crazy wind to stop.

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