Sunday, November 6, 2011

Back in the Groove on Monday

I hope you are having a great weekend and playing out there in that white stuff! I can honestly say I am not a snow lover other than when I am skiing and wasn't too excited to see it falling yesterday. Oh well-let's hope it melts this week.
We are back into the groove this week with a normal week.
In Science, we are going to be starting our unit on otters, hibernation, and how animals adapt for the winter.
We will talk about and buy in for our field trip that is going to be happening on Wednesday, November 16th.
In Math, we will continue with multiplication reviewing 0-4's and starting on the 5-7's. Practice -practice at home. We are also moving on into some algebraic equations.
In Social Studies, we are finally taking our train & boat tour of the Southeast. A map of the states & capitals for this region is coming home Monday as well.
My reading kids started their book club books last Thursday so we will be working hard on them for awhile along with our language & spelling at that time.
Computer time to do ReadAbout & Success Maker will finally be normal this week as well. As you can see, we are hitting the ground running this week without any interruptions.
Both 4th grades are planning a 4th grade family spaghetti dinner just for our 4th graders and their families. They will have an active role in this and be able to interact with you. The date is Friday, November 18th so mark your calendars. Invitations will be coming home soon.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to meet with me at conferences. I enjoyed visiting with each and everyone of you and look forward to the rest of the year.
Remember you can now access your child's grades on line by following the info. sheet I gave you at conferences. (Now I have to do my part and keep my grades updated).
Have a great rest of the weekend.

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