Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Busy Little Beavers --Oh I Mean Otters!!

Busy Little Otters-hence the cliche' "busy little beavers". We were busy today gathering some awesome otter facts using the computers and following the study guide from National Geographic for Kids. If your child can tell 3 cool facts they learned, write otters in the planner.
We started our tour of the SE today and if your child can tell you about 2 stops on the tour, write SE in the planner. Start studying those states & capitals if you haven't already.
Tomorrow is the multiplication timing for the 6's. They took a study/practice sheet home tonight to practice them.
Tomorrow is HE/PE so have the tennis shoes packed.
I still need permission slips and/or $ from the following students: Darian, Gabe, Ben, Thomas, and Logan. Thank you.
Veteran's Memorial: There is a poster up in the intermediate hallway to remember and honor our veterans. Students are writing names of the veterans, what war they were in, and how they know or are related to this person. Ask your child if they have done one yet, and if not and you know of someone, discuss it with them, and then tomorrow they can fill out the yellow star. So nice to honor those that have and still do fight for our FREEDOM!! Thank you veterans and anyone associated with the military.
Have a great night.

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