Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Great job on the Midwest States & capitals. They received 2 grades; the top one on their paper was for states & capitals, and the bottom one was for location. Way to go Team Hankins. Now we will move on to Chapter 9 which goes into how farming has changed in the Midwest over the years. We have a guest speaker coming in on Friday afternoon to speak to us about this and he will have some old tools that were once used.
Tomorrow is testing once again. We will be taking Session 1 of the math. Get a good night sleep, have a nutritional breakfast, and bring a healthy snack. It is one again your time to shine Little Diamonds. Believe & Achieve :)
Ask your child what the word of the week is this week. If they can tell you, put it in their planner for free money at check in. They had to talk about ways they show this at school in morning meeting today and I think it was a good reminder because I saw lots of it happening today. :)
Get outside and enjoy the weather tonight.
Have a good night.

1 comment:

morgan higgins blog said...

hi Mary this is Kelly Higgins morgans momid like to know how my child is doing in your class can you rate her or note her please. Thankyou