Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Our school spirit and saying no to drugs sure did shine through today in Room 6.  Great job for showing support.  We also made a poster titiled "Hands Off Drugs".  Students each wrote down 5 messages about drugs and saying "NO"!!!  Ask them to tell you one important thing they have learned this week about "being drug free" and write it in the planner for free money.
Tomorrow's  theme day is:  I "mustache" you to say NO to drugs-wear a mustache.
Pink Conference Slips went home today.  Please see the time that has been assigned to you and sign and return the form with your child tomorrow.  I tried really hard to give everyone their 1st choice so let's hope you can make it work as I don't have much room for change as the slots are pretty much filled up with having 25 parents to conference with.  Thank you
Book Fair is next week during conference times.  Flyers went home today.
Also we are participating  in a Books For All program.  As you read the informational letter you will see that it is a Win-Win for all involved.  We will get books for our classroom & library, and disadvantaged kids will also receive books from Scholastic-how AWESOME IS THAT!!!!!!  This starts on Monday so hopefully you are willing to help, but remember this is optional.
States & Capitals test went great.  As you will see, there are 2 grades.  One grade is for knowing the states & capitals themselves and the 2nd one was for the location.  Overall, they did great.
Now we will be getting back into MT History.
Have a great night.

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