Thursday, October 9, 2014

Busy Day Tomorrow

Yes, tomorrow is going to be a busy, super exciting day.  First of all, it is Heritage Day where we get to finally connect what we have been studying/learning about heritage here at school into our own lives & families.  I am excited to hear all about your families and to see, play, and/or taste what exciting foods you serve in your houses as a custom/tradition.  Remember I will be supplying the plates, bowls, napkins, forks, spoons, etc. for taste testing.
Also, tomorrow is Bill Merical Day, the author from Journey of Fallen Rock.  We can't wait to hear him and to learn about how he came up with his ideas for his book.
Also, tomorrow is 2nd grade buddies day.  Remember to bring in your leaves for the amazing leaf animals we are going to make.  These are so cool!!!!
For tonight's bonus blog question, ask your child what they are reading about on the ReadAbout computer program.   If they can tell you their topic, write the name of the topic in the planner.
Today, Cayden shared his Student of the Week items.  We also found out that he likes Art, pizza, MindCraft, orange, and football.  He wants to be a football player when he grows up and he said he can build a mansion out of legos.
Have a great night.

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