Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Awesome Field Trip

Yes, we had an awesome field trip.  The students learned so much and their behavior was FABULOUS!!!!  I am so proud of them.  They earned their 25th celebration point today so we will celebrate tomorrow!!!
I would like the kids to tell you something they learned at each of the stations we rotated to.  The stations were as follows:  #1-crops, #2-honey bees, #3-range land, #4-montana ranching, #5-animals, #6-Cedar Salt Trees, and #7-Erosion.  If they can tell you 1-2 cool things they learned at each of these stations, write field trip in the planner for free money.  They might also talk to you about the behavior of some kids from another school.  Our kids were appalled at the disrespect they showed toward the speaker, each other, and their teacher.  I was proud of our kids for recognizing it and seeing how not to act.  We will discuss more of this character tomorrow in character counts meeting.  So once again "kudos" to you parents for instilling the importance of respect not only in school, but wherever you are.
Tomorrow is a 1/2 day so remember the 12:00 dismissal and No School on Thursday & Friday.
Have a great night.

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