Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wow-that's a lot of garbage

Today in Science, we started a unit on "Going Green" and taking care of our natural resources. We learned all about renewable & non-renewable resources along with how many pounds of trash/day on average per/person. On the positive side, we also learned that in 2006, a certain percentage of our garbage was recycled. Talk with your child about this and if they can explain all this to you, write "going green" in the planner. Also, I hope that your family takes some time to think about how you can help the environment to reduce and limit our "human footprint". Then let's hope we take and put our ideas into action. Today in Math, we reviewed time to the minute. Tomorrow, we are going into elapsed time. We continued our tour of the SE today. I sure enjoyed the letters they wrote to John last night for homework. I was glad they realized that colonial life was not that easy. Xtra Math Practice: A flyer was sent home today for your child to get started on practicing those multiplication/division facts. I will be checking on your child's progress periodically so please make sure they take a few minutes each night to practice. It doesn't take very long. The surprises that some of you purchased have arrived!!!!!! Please watch for another envelope this week where I will be giving you some choices to pick from on how you want this delivered since it is a surprise. So look for another envelope on Thurs. or Friday. Remember library books tomorrow. Have a great night.

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