Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankful Week

Rusty's show this week is all about Thanksgiving and being thankful. Today, we talked about an attitude of gratitude and how lucky we are and that we have so much to be thankful for. His show took a look at how little the pilgrims had back in the 1620's compared to what we have now. The students were asked if they could live back in those days and 3 of them said they could. We discussed how we take so much for granted and how lucky we really are compared to those less fortunate. Tomorrow students will have to list 5 things they are very thankful for and would not want to live without and then we will do an activity with them. In Social Studies we started the Southeast region by doing the geography challenge. Students received a map today so they can start practicing over the break. I have not set a date for the states and capitals test yet. Ask your child 3 of the states in this region and if they can tell you, write SE in the planner. Also, I listed them on the side of the blog. Remember early out tomorrow at 12:00. Thank you for getting me the surprise envelopes for those of you who did. Hopefully your child will love the surprise. Just a quick note about the Music Christmas program so you can start planning accordingly. It will be on Wednesday, December 19th and will be performed at 9:30 and again at 1:15. So mark your calendars for this awesome event. Ask your child one of the fun songs they are singing and write the name in the planner. Have a great night. Also, I want to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. I know I am so thankful to be a part of this Bitterroot family and for having your child in my classroom.

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