Monday, November 26, 2012

Welcome Back!

HI there- I hope you had a great Thanksgiving break with your families. I know I sure enjoyed family time in North Dakota. Lots of us laughing, playing games, eating, and making memories together. Looking forward to the next visit at Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, we talked today about doing Secret Santas in our classroom for the last week before Christmas Break. There seems to be lots of interest so I would like your opinion on this so if it would be ok for your child to participate, write Secret Santa in the planner and if you don't like the idea, write NO in the planner. The way it would work is that students would put their name in a hat and then they each would draw out a name too and that person would be their secret santa. Then they would bring something small or make something for their person each day that week and then on Friday, they could bring a bigger item if they choose to and that is the day we would share and reveal our secret santas. It is my hope that students won't spend more than $5.00-$7.00 for the whole week. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Today we started our tour of the Southeast and one of the places we visited was the Jamestown colony. Students then played a game to help them see what the life in the colony was like. Now they have to write a letter (in workbook page 37) to John explaining if they think he should or should not come to the colony giving reasons why. Remember 4th grade quality. Have a discussion about this game with your child and if you do and see their letter they wrote, write letter in the planner. Tomorrow in Science, we are starting our unit on Recycling & Going Green. We will be doing whole group and small group readings. There are lots of good facts in it so I know they will learn a lot. In Math, we are ready to begin our unit on Time & Elapsed time. Then we will hit our Geometry Unit. Along with this we are continuing multiplication & division. Have a good night.

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