Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Knew They Could Do It!!

Wow-great job to our class for a superb job on their SRI test. Lots of AWESOME growth has been made and I am sure there will be more to come. Way to focus, concentrate, and do your BEST kids!!
Today, we continued with our Long Division using the Royal Family. We are slowly getting it, but have no doubts that by next week we will be quite proficient with this skill.
Also, in math today we made a bar graph. If your child can tell you what the axis on a bar graph are called and what the title of our graph was, write graph in the planner.
Tomorrow, my reading kids will do their last little project with their books. Writing a report card for a character in the book and writing comments to go with it. Should be fun to see what they come up with. Now they will know what it is like for me to write comments on their report cards.
Remember tomorrow is Library so get those books back.
Also, they received their recorder books yesterday in Music and have an assignment to do page 2. Many of them have it done, and it needs to be done by Monday. These pages are a huge part of their Music grade from now on.
Book Orders went home today. Remember if you order on-line, our class activation code is: GZN8L. They will be due on Friday, January 13th.
Have a great night and continue to enjoy this amazing weather. Wow-what are we going to do when winter does come? We are getting spoiled, but I don't mind.

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