Thursday, January 26, 2012

Another Great Day!

Wow-these kids are becoming so mature and performing to the extent that I knew they could!! There have been some issues lately with kids in other classes not being respectful to adults/authority here at school. But, I am happy to announce that Team Hankins is showing respect and using good character. I am so proud of them and let's keep it up. I would like you to compliment your child too and write talk in the planner for free money.
Tomorrow is the last day for Pennies For Patients. Take one last look for all those loose coins.
Tomorrow is Library so get those books in. We got a compliment from Mrs. Anderson this week as we got all our books back last week so GREAT JOB!! Let's do it again.

Today in math, we continued fractions on a number line.
Next week, we start the West Region in Social Studies. I put the states and capitals on here so start studying. The test won't be for a couple of weeks though.
I don't know if all of you know yet or not, but Mrs. Campbell, our wonderful secretary, is deciding to enter into a new chapter of her life. Yes, she is retiring and leaving us. Wednesday, February 1st is her last day. Ask your child what they did for her today and have them share some of it with you. Pretty funny-I hope she has enough time to complete even 1/2 of her list of advice.
Have a great night.

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