Friday, September 19, 2014

Happy TGIF!!

Great job today for Team Hankins!  We have finished our testing and are now ready to hit the curriculum hard and starting learning all the many new things there are to learn here in Grade 4.
So next week's objectives look like this:
Math-we are moving into an introduction of decimals along with counting $ and making change.
Language-Simple subjects & predicates.
Spelling-we are going to do Chapter 3 this week as we didn't get to it at all last week due to testing during that time.  So no new word list this week.
Reading-we are finally going to start small groups.  Groups have been assigned using all the testing data.  We will continue with the heritage theme.  Some of you have been asking what our inquiry project is going to consist of.  What I am going to be asking each of the kids in my reading is to share something about their heritage whether it be art work, food, traditional games, historical events, etc.  Then once I have set the date for this to take place, each of them will show and share what they bring to display their family heritage.  So at this time, just be talking about your heritage, culture, etc. and start thinking of what would be interesting & worthwhile sharing with the class.  If it is food, then we ask that you have enough for a little taste for the class.
Social Studies-we continue to work on map skills.  We are taking a break from Montana History as we will focus on Social Studies as there is not enough time in a day now that we will also be on our computer schedule along with Mrs. Neese starting her weekly visits to the classroom.
Science-we are moving into our unit on Matter.  Some fun experiments ahead.
So as you can see, we have lots going on.
Today we started buddies with Mrs. Culp's 2nd graders-oh how we love our buddies.  Today they played a fun math game together.  Check out the pics.
Also, we started our Student of the Week sharing.  We so enjoyed hearing all about Carson.  As you can see by the pics, he does an amazing job in Tae Kwon Do-look at all those medals.
Some fun things we learned about Carson-he loves Science, the color Black, and Chinese Food.  He wants to be a dentist when he grows up.  Dream-Believe-Achieve--Anything is possible.
Also, remember to return the PTA fundraiser packets with the money on Monday.  Thank you.
Also, send in that candy for the Candy Shack-$50/bag of free money.
Have a great weekend.

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