Monday, September 22, 2014

Happy Monday

First of all, thank you to those of you that returned the PTA fundraising envelopes.  Students received $200 free money for those.  Great job!!  If you haven't returned it yet, please do so by Wednesday. Also, thank you for sending in candy for the Saturday Live Candy Shack.  Again, lots of free money given for that great cause.
Today, we started small groups in Lead 21.  I am excited to read, discuss, and hear lots of great ideas from these small groups.
Character shields are mostly done.  A few kids took them home to finish.  They are hanging up in our room and look great.  They also have lots of good ideas on them to as to how your child is going to be a positive character warrior.  Ask your child how they are going to display the traits here at school.  If they can give you some of their good ideas, write character warrior in the planner.
Unit 3 spelling list again this week as we didn't do much anything with it last week due to testing.
Have a great night.

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