Monday, September 8, 2014

Assignment Notebooks

Yes, the assignment notebooks have finally arrived!!!!  How these work in 4th grade is that we fill them out together at the end of the day.  Students will write down what we did in each subject for the day and if they have an uncompleted assignment in that subject, they will circle the box by the word completed.  If they have it done, they will put a check mark in the box.  So this way, you can tell if your child has homework or not.  Remember homework is mostly work that is not finished in school that day.  Also, you need to initial these each day so I know you saw it and visited with your child about the day.  They will get $20 if signed or $20 taken away if not.
Speaking of homework-yes, it was quite an awakening this morning when I took lots of tickets for incomplete math from last Friday that went home for homework, but never showed up to school.  Ouch-this is loss of money and an opportunity to complete it during their fun-free time.
So please have a talk with your child about this and how to work hard at becoming responsible.  Also, during your little visit with them, have a discussion about expectations & respect.  I was a bit frustrated today as many of them totally interrupted a read-a-loud book I was reading in Science on Hurricanes because they had info. they wanted to share.  Needless to say, that is not going to happen so unfortunately they missed some recess/fun time.  Believe me-I want to hear what they have to say, but not all 24 at once!!!!!!!!!!!  We will keep working on it, but I would like you to visit with your child about what is appropriate and what is not.  Thank you.  If you do, then write visit in the planner for free money.  This is our system now for communicating and for me to know if you are reading the blog or not.  It is very important that you do to stay in touch with your child's learning and the happenings of our classroom.
Remember tomorrow is Open House so please plan on being here for one of the 15 min. sessions from 5:30-6:30.
HR today on the Pledge of Allegiance.  Have a discussion about why we say the pledge daily and if they can tell you, write pledge in the planner.
Unit 2 spelling list came home today so study for Friday.
Read 180/System 44 started today so if your child goes to these they are not in here for Reading, Language, Spelling so their assignment notebooks will be blank for the subject areas.
Have a great night and let's hope for a much better day tomorrow overall for Team Hankins!!!!

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