Wednesday, May 21, 2014


WOW!! Today we had a treat of an assembly in the gym. It was Supaman. He was a Crow Indian who did lots of dancing, entertaining, and giving out positive messages. We even had some star dancers in our classroom. Way to go to Jacoby, Tristan, Sydnie, and Dylan for taking a risk. I think they will be on the next "America's Got Talent". Good Job. Ask your child what one of his positive messages to kids was and if they can tell you, write Supaman in the planner. Tomorrow is our field trip to the ranch. By the look at the weather we are in for a great day. Bring sunscreen & water bottles. Also, dress for the weather-you may wear shorts, but make sure you have a light jacket and wear closed shoes. No cameras for this one as we will be around lots of animals. Students may bring electronics for the bus as they can play them with their pen pals and interact that way while they visit. Remember we are providing lunch, but you need to bring your own drink. If you have read all this and are ready for the field trip, write field trip in the planner. Today in Riding Freedom, we read about "revenge". Ask them how Charlotte got revenge on Mr. Millshark. If they can tell you, write revenge in the planner. Have a fun night and I look forward to tomorrow and making some fun memories.

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