Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Hat Day on Friday

Friday is Hat Day for a $1.00. Yes, we are collecting money for the Park Family who lost many of their belongings in a terrible house fire this past weekend. (See flyer that came home today.) So if you would like to help out, wear a hat and bring in a $1.00. If you choose to, you can donate more if you would like. Remember this is an optional activity. What a great way to "pay it forward". Also the permission slips for Pompey's Pillar came home today. Please fill it out and return to school ASAP. Students that were able to paid their $600 buy in today. Please note the lunch choice on the form. Either bring own sack lunch from home or we can order a school one charging your lunch account. Any kids with inhalers or epi-pens will need to bring them on this trip as we will be outdoors and out of town not close to medical services. In Math today, we learned how to divide fractions. We did lots of examples by playing a partner game. Have your child take 2/5 and divide it by 3/4 and write the answer in the planner for free money. PTA movie night is on Friday-note came home today. It is from 6-8 p.m. Southwest States & capitals test is tomorrow. Tylie did a little Science experiment today. Ask your child why when she poured the water from one of the cans vs. the other that the water flowed in a less bumpy stream. If they can tell you, write experiment in the planner. Field Day is on May 29th from 1:15-2:45 for the intermediate. Mrs. Buss is in need of volunteers to help so if you would be interested, please write a note in the planner. Thank you. Have a great night.

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