Thursday, April 24, 2014

Owl Pellets

Yes, the owl pellets have been ordered and thank you to those of you that brought in the $2 so far to cover your cost. We won't be doing them next week, but hopefully the following week. "Finishing the year strong". Yes, that is our motto for the rest of the year. I have noticed some carelessness & rushing of work lately so we talked today about having a positive attitude and finishing strong. Please remind your child of this and if you do, write finish strong in the planner. Thank you. Music-today in Music-Mrs. McKennsey brought in an instrument and she is taking some time to discuss instruments with students and then on May 15th someone from Eckroth Music will be here to show students different instruments that they will have to choose from for next year if they wish. May 22nd-date for our field trip to Ms. Erickson's farm. Yes, we have done this trip for years and it ties into our MT History/Social Studies curriculum very well. They are also our pen pals so it will be fun to connect with them. The only bad thing is that both of our 4th grades can't go due to the numbers of students that her family wants to have around the activities that they will be doing with the kids. Showing how to shoe horses, branding cattle, picking eggs, feeding lambs, etc. This is a very educational & great experience for our city kids. Remember PE shoes tomorrow. Have a great night.

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