Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Happy Tuesday

Quick post due to having a testing scheduling meeting. Yes, we have once again changed our SBAC test schedule. Sorry if this will inconvenience any of you. But the schedule is as follows: April 14-16-testing from 8:45-11:30 each day April 28-30-testing from 8:45-11:30 each day This is going to be a better schedule I think as it allows for more time and a break between the reading & math. We practiced a little bit today so the students could see how to navigate around the site and to see what kinds of questions were asked. The thing about this test is that there are fewer test questions, but the ones that there are are more in depth which is parallel to the common core standards. Please mark these dates on your calendars. Thank you. Today in math we found the area of rectangles that had measurements that were fractions or decimals. Kids did a great job multiplying decimals and moving the decimal over. Have them do this one for practice to show you in the planner. 2.25 x 3.6. Tomorrow we are going to find the area of triangles with the formula of A=1/2 x b x h. In Lead 21 we are finishing up the selection one on food webs & food chains, along with learning about animal adaptations. We started our 3rd section of MT History today discussing the term "capitalism" and how the area changed with the coming of fur trading/trapping. Tomorrow they will get a map of all the MT fur posts. There were an amazing amount of them years ago. Yellow carnival reminders went home today. We are getting some great things for our baskets. Thank you. Remember to please bring in those baked goods on Friday for the Cake Walk. Could you please indicate in your child's planner if you are going to help us out in this venture and how many so I can get an idea of where we are with the baked goods count. Thank you. Tomorrow is Library. Have a great night.

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