Thursday, April 3, 2014

Happy Thursday

Yaaayyyy-the sun was shining today so that made for an extra happy day!!! Great job on those Midwest states & capitals tests which went home graded today. Today in Math, we learned how to draw angles with our protractors. I know you don't have protractors at home so they can not draw one for you, but I want them to tell you the 4 kinds of angles along with their measurements and if they can, write the 4 names in the planner. Tomorrow is Awards Day at 9:45. So if your child received a slip with their report cards, you are welcome to join us in the gym. Today everyone officially finished the MAP testing. Now we have one week break before the SBAC tests. We will be practicing for those next week. I am so excited that lots of nice growth has been made this year in Reading & Math. Great job Team Hankins! Spaghetti Wars with Mrs. Neese-fun activity to demonstrate the importance of teamwork and working together. Ask your child what they did and what made it easy or difficult to complete the task. Reminder once again about the goodies for the upcoming carnival on Friday the 11th. Thank you. Pictures that went home yesterday are not for keeps if you don't want them. They are to be returned and I will make sure they get back to the PTA/photographer. Free money for bringing them back in a timely fashion. Also, if you purchase any, you are to put the $ in the envelope and return the envelope to school for free money. Remember you can purchase some or all of them. So as you can see, it is a win-win situation whether you purchase or not. Have a great night.

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