Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Quick Post-Staff Meeting Day

Since Wednesdays are staff meeting days, my posts on those days may be a bit shorter than normal. Today was a great academic day. We got to everything I had planned to get to!!! We started the day with Library right away at 8:30. Mrs. Anderson said the kids did awesome and over the top met her expectations. Then Rusty's show today was about using tools to help you be successful so we made a toolbox poster and listed things that are going to make us successful on paper tool wrenches & hammers. Ask your child what one tool they are going to use this year to make them successful and write it in the planner. In Language, we learned about the 4 kinds of sentences. Ask them to tell you about at least one and write it in the planner. Then in Reading, we continued reading our read-a-loud book: There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom. Ask your child about the 2 main characters and 1 thing about each that we put on our Main Idea/detail webs today and write those in the planner. Homework tonight: Yes, students have homework tonight completing the back of the HR Treaty of Paris. These HR's are great non-fiction reading pieces. As you can see, we are learning to highlight key points when reading. These will be done periodically throughout the year. Assignment notebook/planner money: Please pay for yours if you have not yet-$3.50. I will post names of students who still need to pay tomorrow night here on the blog if you don't pay by tomorrow. Thank you. Journey of Fallen Rock Books-thank you to those of you that sent money today. Please bring money ASAP if you can. It is $4.00. They should be here by Friday. Have a great night.

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