Sunday, August 25, 2013


Welcome to our classroom and an exciting year of learning. This blog is going to be my main source of communication with you for knowing what is happening in our classroom on a daily basis. I will post each day by at least 4:30. It will consist of daily happenings, photos, Smilebox slideshows. As you read in my opening letter to you, open communication is the key to building relationships with one another and I want your child's learning experiences to be discussed on a daily basis so that is why each day I will post a question about something that we did or learned that day and in communicating with your child, you will be able to write the answer to the question in the daily planner and they will get fake money for that. There should be no more of "what did you do/learn in school today"? and get the "nothing" response because now you know what to discuss at the dinner table. As far a individual communication, that will be done via email, phone calls, etc. This blog is only for whole class happenings. I will never mention anything but first names when celebrating or listing your child's name on the blog. Please make sure you fill out and sign the permission slip which will allow me to post your child's photo/name on the blog as it is accessible to anyone. Please mark your calendars for the Open House night on September 10th from 6-7:30. It is then that I will discuss a lot about the money system & its' expectations along with academic expectations for the year. Remember to send a daily healthy snack with your child if you wish to. We will not have a separate snack break, but will have it after morning recess during spelling class. Also, have a simple water bottle to help keep hydrated. A well hydrated brain learns at a much stronger rate than a dehydrated brain. To the side of this post you will find weekly spelling lists, websites to go and explore, along with the specialists' schedule. Daily planners are a must and can be purchased for $5.00 Please bring in the money ASAP. PTA Movie Night: The PTA is sponsoring a movie night on Friday, August 30th at 6:00. The movie is Cars2. If you go, write movie in the planner on Tuesday and receive $300 of free money. I say Tuesday because remember there is No School on Monday, September 2nd. Cya on Wednesday.

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