Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Yummy!! Chocolate!!

Today was a busy day. We started off with the S.A.D.D.(Students Against Destructive Decisions) students from Skyview here to talk to us about making positive choices. They talked about all the clubs and activities you can get involved in at school rather than doing drugs that can destruct your body and decisions you make. Have your child about the candy activity they did and if they can tell you, write SADD in the planner. Then we went to the gym for an assembly on Student Stranger Safety. They were from the Tae Kwon Do center and taught the kids what to do if a stranger approaches you using your arms and voice. Have your child demonstrate this for you. They too did a great job. In Social Studies today we continued our tour of the Northeast. We learned about how locks in a canal work and we toured the Hershey Chocolate Factory. Have your child tell you how the locks work and what kind of candy treat we got today and if they can, write NE in the planner. Raindrop stories are almost complete. Tonight they are to write the piece on precipitation. Thank you again parents for editing these. Tomorrow night will be the final night. We decided that the raindrop people projects will be due on Friday. Tomorrow is our movie day for drug free week. Also tomorrow is slippers day. "Don't let drugs slip you up"-wear slippers. Parent Teacher Conference slips went home today with the day and time you are scheduled to come. Check these over and mark your calendars, then cut off the bottom portion and return to school with your child. Those returned tomorrow earn free money. Thank you. Tomorrow is Library so get those books returned. Have a great night.

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