Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Good Day today in Room 6, but not a lot new to report. We started our Social Studies with our first geography challenge. We did it whole group even though they could have done it alone, but I wanted to model the correct way as they are going to be doing lots of these throughout the year. It was reviewing latitude and longitude and I was so excited to see they retained that concept. YIPPEE! The next challenge will be done with a partner. In Science, we started our mini unit on wildfires. Ask your child what the fire triangle consists of. Hint: It is the 3 things a fire needs to burn. If they can do it, make the triangle in the planner. New reading calendars went home today for October. If you didn't return Septembers yet, please do so tomorrow for credit. This is a big part of their grade. Students ran the 800 today and did a great job. In fact, they got a compliment from the PE teacher that they did it the best of all his groups so far. Way to go Team Hankins!! Tomorrow is Library day. Let's have 100% return of our books. It looks like the weather is going to turn quite a bit cooler tomorrow. So dress for the weather and bring a jacket. Have a great night.

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