Monday, October 22, 2012

Happy Monday

Hi there-great to be back and we had a great day. Today was the first day of Red Ribbon Week and we had a very special guest. We had Agent Dunlap who works undercover with the government enforcing drug laws and trying to catch illegal drug users. Therefore, the reason no picture of him on the blog. He told us about how Drug Free Week started and what he does as an agent. If your child can tell you why we celebrate this week and what happened to that person, write that person's name in the planner and if they can tell you what age was the youngest person Agent Dunlap caught with drugs, write that age in the planner. The kids were so enthralled with his presentation and learned a lot. Tomorrow, we have students from Skyview coming in to talk about making positive choices rather than doing drugs. Tomorrow is also the day we will be wearing mustaches. These will be provided by our Kelso's Choice Club so students don't have to bring their own unless they want to. We also started multiplication with 2 digit x 1 digit. Some students had difficulty with this skill as they are struggling with their multiplication facts. So it is showing me that they need to dig out those flash cards and practice practice so they don't get too far behind. Water Cycle Stories: Today is Part 3-the condensation stage. Thank you for editing them and helping your child's story to make sense. Continue this process this tonight's piece too. Remember to be working on your raindrop figures. The ones we have already are looking good. Remember that our Northeast states and capitals test is on Friday, October 26th. Also, on Friday is the PTA sponsored Pumpkin Patch Party from 6:30-8:00. Students can earn free money for attending with a parent. Reminder slips came home today from the PTA about the fundraiser envelopes. Please return those to us within the next 2 days. Thank you. Have a great night.

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