Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thank You

First of all, I would like to thank those of you who came to the Open House last night. I enjoyed seeing you and finally putting a face to which child is yours. I remember the Meet & Greet Night, but that was just a quick in & out and didn't allow time to see who was who. Some students have quite a bit of homework tonight. Some of it is because we are increasing our load in each subject area and also for some, they have to work hard on time management which means transitioning without visiting and getting the things out that they need right away. Please have a talk with your child about staying on task and doing less talking as this is so very important for success. If you do have a the talk, write talk in the planner for free money. Thank you. The Courtesy Club Team visited our room today and starred the students that have been caught showing positive character not only in the classroom, but in the hallway, playground, lunch room,etc. Ask your child if they were starred today. I think they are coming again on Friday so let's hope everyone is starred on that day. Remember Heritage Day is on Friday. Can't wait to see a part of your family's heritage. We are loving our book, "Journey of Fallen Rock". Ask your child what task the boys completed today and what part of the U.S. it happened in. Write it in the planner for free money. Saturday Live Candy is being collected. Bags of individually wrapped candy (no chocolate). I will give $100/bag. Thank you. Remember PTA movie night on Friday-6-8:00. Free money for those who go. Thank you again for all your help and support. Parents like you make my job fun when you take the time to listen to and help your child become a successful, mature 4th grader. I look forward to each day showing more and more progress. Have a great night.

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