Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hi There

I will make this short & sweet as I hope to see many of you here tonight. If you show up, your child earns $100 free money tomorrow. Today in my reading class, we started book groups and it went very well and I am so pleased. Your child may have homework tonight in Language & Spelling and that is to be expected as we they don't have a lot of time to independently work on those things after the whole group instruction. They work on them as they get their small group reading done as their rotations. Remember Heritage Day on Friday. Again, I will have plates, forks, spoons if needed to taste your dish that you send with your child. Thank you. Saturday Live is coming soon. It is on Saturday, September 29th. Once again Bitterroot's Booth is the CandyShack. Please send in a bag or 2 of individually wrapped candy (NO CHOCOLATE) with your child for this effort. I will pay them $100/bag. The Lorax is coming: Our wonderful PTA is having a movie night on Friday, September 14th from 6-8. If you and your child attend, write Lorax in the planner on Monday for free money. As you can see, we were working hard on our latitude & longitude skills with a game called "Shipwrecked" that we played with a member from Ms. E's class. I think they have this concept down. Some took it home so have fun playing it together. We had a special guest this morning. Yes, it was our very own, Mr. English. He talked to us about how 911 has impacted his life with him being a military man. He had such good insight having us reflect on the "true heroes" of that day and not the bad that happened. Afterward, we had a good discussion on how this tragic event has changed our lives and how we use to take living in the U.S. for granted, but now how so much that happens in the world really affects us. Have a great night and hopefully see you soon.

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