Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What a fun day we had today. We started off with our Heroes writing. We have read many stories about famous people and how they have/are become heroes with the brave deeds they did helping others. So then students had to choose someone who is a hero in their minds and write about them. Tomorrow they will share them during morning meeting. As I was walking around reading them, they are putting some good thought into these. Ask your child whom theirs is and write hero in the planner. In Social Studies, we worked hard on those states and capitals for tomorrow by playing some fun games. Then we did more of our Montana facts research on computers. Ask your child 2 things they learned about MT today and write MT in the planner. What does a robot have to do with perimeter & area? Well, today in Math, students starting creating robots by using the given area & perimeter for the different body parts. Then on grid paper, they counted and cut-out the parts using the given measurements. The real trick was that they could only use one regular piece and the others will be irregular. Sure were some pretty, fun creative pieces. Remember tomorrow is the 50 states and capitals test so study hard one last time tonight. Also-reminder NO SCHOOL on Friday. Have a great night.

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