Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Egg Day

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What a great day we had today experiencing what parenting is like. I am sure from the conversations you have this weekend that your child will agree that it is not an easy task. Taking them with you, keeping them safe, the financial portion, and being responsible was not as easy as they thought it was going to be. Many of them received first aid, but quite a few escaped without any injuries throughout the day. They also realized that this was just for 6 hrs. this one day and not 24/7 like your job is. If your child shared lots about the day with you, write shared in the planner for free money. Moms-I hope you have a fantastic Mother's Day on Sunday and enjoy the treats you child made/bought for you. YOU DESERVE IT!! We had 100% neon in our room today. We got so wrapped up with the egg babies that I forgot to take a pic. Way to go Team Hankins. Monday, we are back to normal and I will list on Monday's post the happenings for next week.

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